UNIVERSES.C0 is our premium web Portal as part of our Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Product for the Defence, Aerospace & Homeland Security sectors primarily aimed at Development of a comprehensive Security Eco-System through our inbuilt Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Solution developed in-house, offering our Portfolio Management, Human Resources & Insurance IT & Consultancy Services currently targeting the Business Aviation & General Aviation sectors.

UNIVERSES currently offers an online web Portal for the Defence, Aerospace & Homeland Security sector Professionals, Owners, Manufacturers, Operators & Service Providers (POMOS users) providing various Consumers & Producers of products & services in the Defence, Aerospace & Homeland Security domains an easy & quick opportunity to Connect and Execute their Human Resources, Insurance, Finance, Information Technology & Asset Management (HIFIA) business requirements in an efficient, effective and eco-friendly manner.

UNIVERSES thus acts as a unique one-stop Portfolio Management tool, an Information knowledge-base, a Consultant connection platform, an Execution platform & a Reporting platform (PICER services) for the Customer’s various Aviation & Space Assets, associated Human Resources & their related Insurances. Whereby these PICER Services are available to the Customers under various business models including Fixed Price and Subscription based as per various Deployment models including In-House Licensing and Application Service Provider (ASP) based Dedicated & Shared hosting plans.

The Portfolio Management tool allows Customers greater Control & Usability by centrally managing complete details of their Aviation Assets including Aircrafts, Helicopters, UAVs, etc.; the associated Human Resources including Pilots, Crew Members, Ground Staff, Passengers, etc.; & related Insurances online providing ease of use as well as quick Profile Reporting.

The Information knowledge-base offers the much required Domain specific Details, Helps, FAQs & Connection facilities instantly through web to help Customer’s Execute their business requirements.

The Consultancy connection platform offers a platform to Customers to connect to various Consultants, Professionals & Service Providers with decades of experience in the Aerospace, Insurance, Finance and IT-Software industry providing Consultancy services like Analysis, Roadmaps, Feasibility Studies, Estimations, Technical and Management Reports.

The Execution platform offers an opportunity to Manage Projects-Processes-Assets-Requirements of the Customer as per their mandate and as an Extended Team with the ultimate aim to qualitatively Execute their work assignments within Budget and Time.

The Reporting platform offers Decision Makers, Sales & Marketing Teams and various Management Teams insights through various Reports to help them better manage their Businesses, Resources & Investments by reducing Costs, increasing Revenues & most importantly increasing thier PROFITS.

The various activities undertaken by our Techarts as part of the Universes development includes

  1. Business Analysis
  2. Requirement Capturing
  3. Feasibility Studies
  4. Product Roadmap
  5. Product Design & Development
  6. Marketing Strategy
  7. Content Management
  8. Brochure Designing
  9. Web Hosting &
  10. Web Management

Based on these expertise of our Techarts, we can offer you a whole range or a subset of such product development expertise at Anurakti Solutions.